Ocean Park Personal Training

OPT studio is a premium personal training facility focused on athletic performance, injury rehabilitation, mobility, weight loss and is dedicated to helping clients achieve their personal best!!!

Why exercise?

Exercise is a fundamental component of proactive healthcare. It offers a wide range of benefits, positively impacting various aspects of our well-being. Engaging in regular exercise enhances cardiovascular fitness, improves insulin resistance and food choices due to the release of the hormone Leptin, which regulates appetite and metabolism.

Regular exercise promotes optimal bone density, increases muscular strength, boosts endurance and flexibility, enhances joint stability, improves coordination, agility, and athletic performance. Furthermore, exercise has been proven to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety, elevate mood, and enhance cognitive function due to the release of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF). BDNF is a protein that stimulates the growth and maintenance of nerve cells in the brain. It has been dubbed “Miracle-Gro of the Brain”—literally making us smarter!

Beyond its obvious physiological effects, exercise also stimulates the release of endorphins and other "feel-good" chemicals in the brain, contributing to overall mental well-being. Consistent physical activity improves quality of sleep, reduces stress levels, improves self efficacy and significantly impacts overall quality of life.

Why Hire a Personal Trainer?

Working with a personal trainer offers numerous benefits that can enhance your fitness journey. Here’s how partnering with a professional can elevate your experience:

  1. Personalized Guidance: A dedicated trainer customizes workouts to suit your goals, fitness level, and any limitations, ensuring safety and efficiency in reaching your objectives.

  2. Motivation and Accountability: Having a trainer provides the support and motivation needed to stay consistent and committed to your fitness routine.

  3. Focus on Form and Technique: Trainers prioritize correct form, reducing the risk of injury and optimizing the effectiveness of each exercise, ensuring you learn proper techniques for independent workouts.

  4. Goal Setting and Tracking: Professionals help set realistic goals and track your progress, adjusting routines for continuous improvement.

  5. Diverse and Progressive Workouts: Trainers introduce variety and progression in workouts, preventing plateaus and maintaining engagement while continually challenging your body.

  6. Education Beyond Workouts: Trainers often offer guidance on nutrition, lifestyle choices, and habits, empowering you with knowledge for a holistic approach to health.

  7. Time Efficiency and Adaptability: Trainers optimize workout sessions, making the most of your time and adjusting plans to accommodate changes or obstacles.

  8. Emotional Support and Confidence: Beyond exercise, trainers often serve as mentors, offering emotional support and building confidence in your fitness journey.

  9. Long-term Results: Working with a personal trainer often leads to sustainable results by imparting habits and knowledge for a lasting healthy lifestyle.

Hiring a personal trainer provides tailored guidance and support, ensuring you receive the attention and expertise necessary to achieve your fitness goals.


My name is Hana Stara, and I am a certified Personal Trainer accredited by the American Council on Exercise. With over 20 years of experience, I am the proud owner of Ocean Park Personal Training and Yoga Studio, where I have helped countless clients and friends achieve their goals.

My areas of specialization include Strength training, Injury rehabilitation, Corrective exercise technique and Mobility training. I am also a certified Weight Management Exercise Specialist. In addition, I hold full certifications in teaching Original Hot Yoga (26&2) Hatha, Power and Vinyasa Flow Yoga, Aerial Yoga and gentle Yin Yoga. I am an outdoor enthusiast and an avid cyclist and together with my partner Rob help clients discover the beauty and benefits of road and gravel riding and the outdoors. My work is my passion and, together with my family, brings purpose to my life.

What does OPT studio offer?

Strength Training and Corrective Exercise Technique

Our primary goal is to restore the body's strength and flexibility balance, enhancing functional mobility, strength, and athletic performance. Each session is tailored to match the client's current skills and mobility level. As the client's strength, mobility, skill, and balance improve, we progressively intensify the workouts. The sessions are goal-oriented and efficient.

Yin Yoga

This is a slow-paced yoga practice, targeting deep connective tissue of the body. Yin yoga utilizes long-held stretches supported by various props to allow for total relaxation and meditation.

Original Hot Yoga 26&2

Traditional Bikram Yoga, consisting of 26 postures and two breathing exercises, is performed in a hot room, heated by infrared. The temperature varies from 36C to 44C according to client experience. Benefits include improved mobility, balance, range of motion, strength, detoxification, improved circulation, metabolism, improved focus, and mental function, while burning a high amount of calories during the practice.

Aerial Yoga and Suspension Training

We utilize Aerial Yoga Hammock and TRX suspension trainers to provide spinal and joint decompression and improve mobility and balance. Aerial yoga corrects posture, aids in the rehabilitation of the spine, hips, knees, ankles and shoulders.

Introduction to Road Cycling

This is a perfect opportunity to incorporate an enjoyable and healthy habit into your new lifestyle.

We can provide a road bicycle and teach you road biking skills, provide technical support, and transportation to and from the cycling route. We will be your cycling partners and guides while exploring a variety of local rides. We can even assist you in the purchase of your first bike.

Theragun Percussion Therapy

The latest innovation in the world of massage devices, Theragun is a superior tool allowing for deep muscle tension release and injury rehabilitation. It is a rewarding and relaxing way to end a training session while improving circulation in the treated area. It can also be used to improve flexibility.

Welcome to your studio

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